Privacy Policy


The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to make known, with maximum transparency, who is responsible for processing your data, what information is processed, for what purposes, with what legal basis, with whom it is shared the data, what are the data conservation periods, and the rights that the owners of the same have and the way in which they can exercise them.

Who is the controller

The data controller is the SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE MEDICINA DENTAL DEL SUEÑO (hereinafter, “SEMDeS), with address at C/ Ordicia, 36 – Local 28041 – Madrid and NIF G88098140.

Processing activities

The data processing activities for which SEMDeS is responsible are those indicated below:

1. Providers

Purpose: Management of the relationship with suppliers.

Condition of legality: the processing of supplier data is necessary for the execution of the contract. Based on the legitimate interest of the organization, the contact data and professional location of certain people who provide their services for the organization’s suppliers may also be processed, for the maintenance of the relationship with their respective organizations.

Data categories: identification data, personal contact data, financial data, commercial information data, data on transactions of goods and services, and professional data.

Communications and data transfers: no data is communicated to third parties other than the banking entities through which payments are managed, competent public administrations and service providers to SEMDeS that intervene as data processors.< /p>

Conservation: the data will be kept during the term of the contractual relationship and, once it has ended, the data of the suppliers will be kept blocked for a maximum of twenty-five (25) years.

2. Contacts

Purpose: management of the organization’s contacts.

Condition of legality: the processing of the data of the interested parties will be carried out on the basis of the legitimate interest of the organization and, where appropriate, with the consent of those affected.

Data categories: Identification data, personal contact data and professional data.

Communications and data transfers: no data is communicated to third parties, except to service providers to SEMDeS who intervene as data processors.

Conservation: the data will be kept as long as the contact with the interested parties is maintained and up to a maximum of 25 years.

3. PBC/FT (Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism)

Purpose: compliance with the obligations established in the regulations on the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

Condition of legality: the treatment of the data of the interested parties will be carried out to comply with the legal obligations of the SEMDeS.

Data categories: identification data, personal contact data, personal characteristics data, social circumstances data, financial data and goods and services transaction data.

Communications and data transfers: no data is communicated to third parties other than Banking Entities, Public Administrations and State Security Bodies and Forces.

Conservation: Up to a maximum of ten (10) years.

4. Training and Congresses

Purpose: organization and management of the SEMDeS congresses.

Condition of legality: the data collected will be processed based on our legitimate interest, as well as the contact data and professional location of certain people who provide their services for our partners and suppliers, for the maintenance of our relationship with them.

Data categories: identification data, personal contact data, personal characteristic data and financial data.

Communications and data transfers: no data is communicated to third parties other than the banking entities through which payments are managed, competent public administrations and service providers to SEMDeS that intervene as data processors.< /p>

Conservation: personal data will be kept for a maximum of twenty-five (25) years.

5. Associates

Purpose: management of the relationship between the partners and the SEMDeS, including the calls for their congresses and the publication of their data in the SEMDeS directory, both in its printed edition and on the SEMDeS website. You can also send information about courses, events and other activities of interest to professionals associates, with their prior consent.

Condition of legality: the treatment of the data of the associates is based on the contract with the SEMDeS and, when they accept to receive other information of interest, on their consent.

Data categories: identification data, personal contact data, personal characteristics data, social circumstances data, financial data, professional data and employment and training details.

Communications and data transfers: no data is communicated to third parties other than the banking entities through which payments are managed, competent public administrations and service providers to the SEMDeS that intervene as data processors.< /p>

Conservation: personal data will be kept for the duration of the relationship of the associates with SEMDeS and, once it has ended, up to a maximum of fifty (50) years.

Rights of the interested parties

The regulations on protection of personal data and privacy recognize the following rights:

  • Right to have your data processed fairly and transparently.
  • Right to be informed of treatment activities, including communications of your data to third parties.
  • Right to receive all information in a concise, transparent, intelligible and easily accessible manner, with clear and simple language.
  • Right to request access to your data, in order to know what your data is being processed, for what purpose, its origin and whether it is communicated or has been communicated to third parties.
  • Right to request the rectification of inaccurate personal data.
  • Right to have incomplete personal data completed.
  • Right to request the deletion of the data that concerns them, for example, when they are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or when a legal obligation so establishes.
  • Right to request the limitation of the processing of your data, for example, when the accuracy of the data has been questioned or when the data is no longer necessary for the original purpose and, however, cannot be erased for reasons legal.
  • Right to object to processing for reasons related to a particular situation of the affected party.
  • Right to object to being subject to automated individual decisions, including profiling.
  • Right to object to commercial communications being sent electronically.
  • Right to totally or partially revoke the consent given.

To exercise any of their rights, those affected may write to the contact details of the organization that have been recorded in the first section of this Privacy Policy or by email addressed to

They will receive a response within a maximum period of one (1) month.
For identification purposes, it will be necessary for those affected to send a copy of their ID or passport, so that the data controller can verify their identity.

If the affected party chooses to exercise their rights through a legal representative, it will be necessary for the latter to identify himself as such and to prove the representation by means of a special power of attorney.

Control Authority

The public control body in Spain in terms of data protection is the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), which has its headquarters at C/ Jorge Juan, 6, 28001 Madrid. Those affected may file a claim with the AEPD if they deem it appropriate.

This body has a citizen attention service on the telephone number 91 266 35 17, and through its website at the following address: