


  • Submissions must be sent exclusively through the congress website:
  • The submission period starts on June 1, 2024, and the deadline is 11:59 PM on October 13, 2024.
  • The abstract of the communication will be evaluated anonymously; only the President of the Scientific Committee will know the authorship of the works.
  • The theme of the posters will generally be Sleep Dental Medicine, but works on Sleep Medicine that may be of interest to the dentist will also be accepted.

Guidelines for Poster Presentation

  • The work must be original and not have been presented at any other congress or meeting.
  • The languages accepted for presentation are Spanish and English, as this year the Congress will be of SEMDeS and EADSM.
  • Abstracts should follow this format (other formats will not be accepted):
    • Title: The title must be in uppercase and should not exceed 25 words.
    • Authors: A maximum of 7 authors should be listed. The first author must be the presenter. First, list the surnames without hyphens (except for compound surnames) and only the initial(s) of the first name. The first author must be registered for the Congress, and the presentation can be made by any of the authors provided they are registered. The first author cannot appear as the first author on more than 3 communications.
    • Affiliation: Workplace, city, and country of the presenter or main author.
    • Abstract (maximum 400 words):
    • Clinical Cases: Introduction, case description(s), results, discussion, and conclusions. References.
    • Original Research: Introduction, objectives, materials and methods, results, conclusions, and indication of funding sources (if applicable). References.
    • Literature Reviews: Introduction, objectives, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusions. References.
    • Images: In JPEG or TIFF format at a minimum of 300 dpi (file size less than 3 MB).
  • Email of the Presenter: The system only accepts one email per presenter, meaning all submissions by the same presenter must use the same email. The Secretary or Scientific Committee will contact the presenter through this email.
  • A copy of the poster must be sent in PDF format to facilitate the selection process for the Scientific Committee and for potential projection in the winning poster session.
  • Scientific posters cannot be sponsored, and they must not contain advertisements or commercial logos. In the case of financial or material support from a commercial entity, this must be acknowledged at the end of the poster.

Corrections to Submitted Communications

  • To correct a communication, log in with the username and password provided by the system to the presenter’s email.
  • Corrections can be made online until the submission deadline.


Selection Process

All communications will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee, and decisions will be promptly communicated to the author via the Technical Secretariat, indicating if it has been accepted and, if so, the date and time of the presentation. The author will also be informed if the work has not been accepted, with a brief explanation of the decision.

The works can be accepted, accepted with corrections, or rejected by the Scientific Committee’s vote.

Presentation Guidelines

  • Posters should be a maximum of 120 cm high by 90 cm wide.
  • Posters must be set up on the first day of the Congress at the times and places specified for this purpose; authors of accepted works will be informed in advance. Posters will be removed on the last day of the Congress from 1:30 PM onwards.
  • A public session for presentation and discussion will be held on Friday, November 22, from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM. The acceptance/rejection notification sent to the first author will indicate the presentation date and time if selected for discussion.
  • The presentation time limit is 6 minutes, with an additional 4 minutes for questions/discussion. During the poster discussion session, one of the authors must be present.
  • The Scientific Committee will select the first and second best posters of the Congress from all received and displayed posters. The best poster of the Congress will be defended in the main hall on the last day at 1:00 PM.
  • If you have any questions, please contact Federica Ragusa at or Ignacio Gutiérrez at, members of the Congress Technical Secretariat.

Incentives and Awards for Scientific Communications:

  • The poster chosen as the best communication of the Congress will receive a prize of €350 (courtesy of EADSM) and must be presented for 5 minutes in front of all Congress attendees on the last day.
  • The second-place poster will receive a prize of €150 (courtesy of EADSM).